Трансивер ANAN-7000DLE MKII (Black Edition)

SDR трансивер прямой оцифровки сигнала.

Сайт производителя https://apache-labs.com/

Форум https://community.apache-labs.com/

Прошивки https://github.com/TAPR/OpenHPSDR-PowerSDR/releases

Программное обеспечение https://github.com/ramdor/Thetis/releases


  • 100 ВАТТ SSB, FM, RTTY на КВ.
  • Все виды модуляции AM, FM, CW, SSB, RTTY
  • Интегрирован Intel i7 c Windows 10, 128GB SSD, 8GB DDR4 RAM
  • Частота покрытия: от 9 кГц до 60 МГц
  • Двойные 16-битные синхронные АЦП
  • Фазовый частотный шум: -149дБ при 10 кГц
  • Аппаратная поддержка 7 независимых приемников, назначаемых на любой АЦП
  • Независимый фильтр для каждого АЦП
  • Фазовый шум приемника: -149дБ при 10 кГц
  • IMD: IMD3 обычно -68dB @ 100W выходной на 20M
  • Гармоники: Обычно лучше нежели чем -43dBc на HF и -60dBc на 6M
  • Подавление несущей и противоположной боковой полосы: лучше, чем -80dBc
  • Выход для преобразования ПЧ: от 0 дБ до 15 дБ
  • Разрешение по частоте: 1 Гц


В архиве содержатся файлы:

  • ANAN-7000DLE Block Diagram

Типовая проверка подключения

Network connection checklist. Decide which type of connection you will use and then place a check mark next to each step as each task is completed.

Follow these 3 steps if you decide to use DHCP with a router:

  1. Connect a CAT 6 ethernet cable between the ANAN and your router.
  2. Turn on the ANAN and it will automaticall receive an IP assignment to your LAN from your router.
  3. When you run OpenHPSDR or Thetis it will connect immediately and you are good to go.

NOTE: If your computer has a wireless connection you should follow steps 2 through 5 down below to give the port used by the ANAN 1st priority.

Follow these 8 steps to move the ANAN from your router controlled LAN to a direct connection with a static IP using a second NIC on your computer:

  1. Assign a static IP to your computer’s second ethernet port. Note that it must be in a different subnet from your router controlled LAN.
  2. In the Advanced TCP/IP settings for the second ethernet port to be used by your ANAN, uncheck the box for “Automatic Metric”.
  3. Assign a value of 1 in the Interface metric box for the second ethernet port that will be used by your ANAN.
  4. In the Advanced TCP/IP settings for the ethernet port that is connected to your router, uncheck the box for “Automatic Metric”.
  5. Assign a value greater than 1 in the interface metric box for your router controlled LAN.
  6. With the ANAN connected to your router use HPSDR Programmer or HPSDR Bootloader to assign it a static IP in the same subnet as your computer’s second NIC.
  7. Power down your ANAN and connect a CAT 6 ethernet cable between your ANAN and your computer’s second ethernet port.
  8. Power up your ANAN and start OpenHPSDR or Thetis. If you have correctly completed all the steps the ANAN will connect to your software immediately.

NOTE: It is a good idea to write down the static IP you have assigned to your ANAN. Make a label and tape the assigned IP to the back panel of the ANAN.